Photo © Robert Ogilvie
My photos are a visual narrative of the beauty that exists in our everyday lives. I highlight the way that the color, form and context of everyday things fit together to create the urban landscape that has merged with the natural one. I treat human-made things, cars, and other objects that others pass by without a second thought, as part of our ecosystem and as objects that communicate important things about our culture and about us as people.
Where my work has been featured
My images have been in GQ and other magazines, on magazine covers. They have been on exhibit in Oakland and in Zurich. businesses have licensed them to convey their corporate identity, and musicians have licensed them for the artwork to go along with their music. They are in textbooks, reports and framed on the walls of stores and of people's homes.
Design You Trust
Uncultured Kid
Urbanist Magazine, SPUR
205dpi Magazine, issue 18
205dpi Magazine, issue 14
Urbanist Magazine Cover
My photos or for sale.
I shoot in film and my photos have a timeless feel. They have been in GQ and other magazines, on magazine covers, businesses have licensed them to convey their corporate identity, and musicians have licensed them for the artwork to go along with their music. They are in textbooks, reports and framed on the walls of stores and of people's homes.
Take a look through my albums and let me know if there is something that you like. Or maybe I can create something just for you. In any case, get in touch and let's talk.
Thank you.
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Photo © Robert Ogilvie